by Yaro » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:28 am
Hi all, I'm going to build a CNC 40w laser. Dimensions i've choose for the laser was 1000mm x 1000mm , and the material are stainless chromed rods of 12 mm diameter. But, someone said me that, a long and heavy rod like this(or in general, rods longher then 300mm) tents to bend under its own weight of less then 1mm in the middle and if I add on it something like a laser head, the rod will have a significant bend. Someone can confirm that's true? And with laser application where we have acrylic sheets from 2mm to 5mm will influence a lot the focus?
If it's true I tought to reduce to 500mm or 400mm chromed rods and use, for fixed X axis, a long rod support that need to carry the more heavy movable Y axis. But the problem is how to choose materials for Y axis, i tought 2 or 3 rods, but they are heavy. Someone can say me the ideal diamater i should use with 2 rods on Y axis without any rod support? And if i use a chromed or a regular aluminium tube?, they will be more light than full rods and will offer the same resistance.
Or this consideration will not influence a short rod of 500mm or 400mm?
Thank you.