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Looking for Solidworks formated frame setup

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:39 pm
by cnc74
Hello all,

I am looking for a file format of the frame drawings that will open in Solidworks.

I am in the planning stages of making some height and whith adjustments to the existing 2.x design and having the ability to do some of this pre-work in Soldidworks will really help me out.

If anyone has it of can convert it and post it here it would be greatly appriceated.


Re: Looking for Solidworks formated frame setup

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:29 pm
by Enraged
You can get the step file for the complete 2.x here I think:

I've played around with Solidworks to build the frame in the past, using the Weldments. Creating a 3D sketch and making custom weldment profiles allows you to make a single part file for the entire frame, and then adjust it to whatever parameters you need.

I can't find my old files, but I based it all off of the Step file that is posted in the wiki

Re: Looking for Solidworks formated frame setup

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:28 pm
by cnc74
Thank you for the info!!

I ultimatly would like to increase my cut area (perhaps up to 24"x36" based on the original 2.x design (just stretched out).

Has anyone here gone that far with it in distance and did it work well if you did?


Re: Looking for Solidworks formated frame setup

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:33 pm
by TLHarrell
You will have rigidity issues with the 2.x design at those sizes. You will also have trouble with aligning it as the beam path is considerably longer.

Re: Looking for Solidworks formated frame setup

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:24 pm
by wmgeorge
So can you open the STEP file in anything other than SolidWorks? I just need to get the frame dimensions into a 2 D CAD program. I wonder if Google SketchUp the Pro edition will open it?

EDIT Yes I found a program to open but I just need to Export to a 2D program and I can to the Dimensioning in that. IF anyone can do the Export to a DXF file and PM me I can I get you my real email address to send the files as an attachment.
The viewer >

Re: Looking for Solidworks formated frame setup

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:34 am
by ethanwilson
I ultimatly would like to increase my cut area (perhaps up to 36*24 based on the original 4.x design.