I'm not the reviewer type, mostly a lurker so this should be fairly short.
Daniel responded quickly to the coupon code request (3 minutes). I ordered on a Monday and received the filament (3.0mm Purple) in Florida on that Saturday.
It was my first time printing ABS (only printed with PLA before). The idler pulley and extruder body were literally the second and third prints following the mendel90 calibration block, albeit the calibration block took two tries since it didn't stick the first time to bare glass. A layer of Kapton tape did the trick (in the images I've moved on to try ABS juice).
The x ends and x carriage were next with no issues except I need to fine tune the retraction. Again, it shows my inexperience with ABS.
3d printing material gujaratThe filament measures 2.91 - 2.92 and is not oval. It also stays on the spool very nicely but comes off with no effort when feeding. I haven't went through enough to know what the end looks like.
Normally I print Ultimaker PLA at 170 and the bed at 70, the BotFeeder ABS seems to print best for me at 190 and bed at 110.
I've had a great experience with BotFeeder and their filament and would buy from them again.
I'd be happy to answer any questions or provide more information on my experience.