by Patrick34 » Thu May 10, 2012 10:02 pm
Here are some theoretical numbers I have crunched and posted a while ago in the frames section. Maybe this will be helpful to you.
Re: MakerSlide, Max Usable Lengths
Postby Patrick34 » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:39 pm
So, anyway, back to the original question...
MakerSlide Deflection: How long is the MakerSlide usable at length unsupported?
I did some theoretical analysis using Solidworks COSMOSWorks on the MakerSlide up to 2000mm in length @ 5#, 2#, and 1# loads in the center of a beam with unfixed ends (worst case). Here are the results:
Length (mm), Deflection (mm) @ 5lb
400, 0.007
600, 0.024
800, 0.057
1000, 0.11
1200, 0.191
1400, 0.303
1600, 0.452
1800, 0.644
2000, 0.883
Length (mm), Deflection (mm) @ 2lb
400, 0.003
600, 0.01
800, 0.023
1000, 0.044
1200, 0.076
1400, 0.121
1600, 0.181
1800, 0.258
2000, 0.353
Length (mm), Deflection (mm) @ 1lb
400, 0.001
600, 0.005
800, 0.011
1000, 0.022
1200, 0.038
1400, 0.061
1600, 0.09
1800, 0.129
2000, 0.177
Sorry for the mixed English(IPS) and Metric values. It was just what I happened to enter in the analysis program because I estimated the weight of the gantry to be no more than 5lb, and didn't feel like dealing with the decimal equivalent in Newtons. The unit conversions were taken into account in the calculations by the software.
Basically what this means is that the MakerSlide should not deflect more than 1mm when 5lb is in the center of a rail up to 2000mm in length.
This calculation actually would be useful for a gantry weight of up to 10lb because during by setup of the problem I had forgotten the fact that the axis requires two rails (one at each end of the gantry).
I would like to know how close these numbers are to reality.
**IMPORTANT** These values are calculated for the MakerSlide standing on edge NOT flat.**
If this is accurate, these numbers could be useful to those using the MakerSlide in other design situations.
Please add to this info as possible.
"Measure twice, cut once."