Hello guys. I saw a sample of the MakerSlide at the Maker Faire NYC and the first thing that popped into my head was to use it as a camera slider!
Here are two examples of the least expensive camera sliders available...
http://www.glidetrack.com/products/glidetrack-sd.htmlhttp://www.zazaslider.com/products.htmlEven still these are about $300.
To take the MakerSlide and turn it into a camera slider would be very easy. All that would need to be done is to drill a threaded hole or create a plate with a threaded hole for the underside of the track to mount it to a tripod. Alternatly, one could use other 8020 components to create feet to use the slider on a table.
The shuttle or sliding part the camera mounts to can be exactly the same as the one shown with the same ball bearings. Again, only a small hole would be drilled to attach a tripod head to the top via a screw from the bottom.
These are all very easy modifications anyone could do with an existing MakerSlide piece and trolly. The real advantage comes in both the cost and versatility of the Maker Slide. Since the slide is about $3 a foot having multiple lengths and custom configurations is practical. Because of the 8020 configuration attaching and mounting is much easier with no need to drill holes everywhere.
One thing I would really love to do is to incorporate a very nice motor/controller/belt combo to be able to control the sliding remotely and with speed control. I'm sure all of you know existing motors, motor controllers, belts, pulleys, and mounts that will work with the MakerSlide. With that in mind I could really use your help in finding the exact parts I would need to slide the platform over a 3 foot length of Maker Slide and run off a 12v battery pack.
I have plenty of experience with micro controllers, soldering, and wiring. I have not ever made anything mechanical or with motors however and I am not trying to reinvent a wheel. I just need a solid solution that uses high quality parts to create smooth and relatively low noise operation.
If anyone has links, pictures, or parts I can order it would be a huge help. Thanks in advance!