Announcing the ORDuino !

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Re: Announcing the ORDuino !

Postby Improbable Construct » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:33 pm

Does anybody know what thermistor table to use for the Lava heated build plate in marlin? I tried 100K and that was wrong. I have it set at 10k now and it is closer to the temperature that the hot end thermistor is reporting. It is 72f degrees in my garage and the hot end is at 22.3c so that seems right. The bed is reporting 23.48c, a bit off but close. So is the 10k setting the right one?
Improbable Construct
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Postby frob » Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:02 am

The thermistor used is 10K, 1% ( except for those who asked for 100k, only a couple so far)
Thermistors in general are never that accurate, and system inaccuracies around them tend to add up fast, so even with a 1% thermistor, the actual measured temp can be several degrees off.
so only a 1 degree difference between 2 different thermistors, i'd call that very good.
I'll make a note to check on the specific settings in Marlin and report back as soon as i get a chance.


Improbable Construct wrote:Does anybody know what thermistor table to use for the Lava heated build plate in marlin? I tried 100K and that was wrong. I have it set at 10k now and it is closer to the temperature that the hot end thermistor is reporting. It is 72f degrees in my garage and the hot end is at 22.3c so that seems right. The bed is reporting 23.48c, a bit off but close. So is the 10k setting the right one?
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Re: Announcing the ORDuino !

Postby Improbable Construct » Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:31 am

Thanks Frob,

I got the settings right on the third try.
The Lava is really nice. Glad I waited for it!
Improbable Construct
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Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:27 am

Re: Announcing the ORDuino !

Postby SpacedCowboy » Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:00 pm

A couple of questions before I order both an Orduino and a Lava for my imminent Hadron :)

- Will the Orduino support the qu-bd dual extruder natively or will it require a firmware update ?
- What's the current pricing ? The last post I could find with figures in was April 15th, and I wasn't sure if you'd changed anything since then.

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Next run / preorders for ORDuino ...

Postby frob » Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:52 pm

Hi Simon,
Thanks for your interest! to your questions:
1- yes dual extruders are supported (with the 5-motor channel version)
Firmware: Either way you need a version of firmware that supports the extra non-standard hardware to access them - this is being tested now, seems to work fine, though some refinements are in order before we release that publicly. this will be merged back into the current (open-source) repositories for Marlin, Sprinter, etc. as soon as we're satisfied with it. Boards will ship with a fully functional version of Marlin already programmed, and we'll supply updated versions directly, as they occur, until that code is proven enough to merge back into the public codebase.
2- Pricing & ordering: we're going to be making some major improvements for the next "production" batch (so far these are only prototypes)
so that is not fixed yet. we're trying to reduce cost in the process and streamline assembly, and add a few new exciting capabilities in the process.

Keep an eye out for a detailed announcement in the next couple of weeks. We'll only open up for new orders at that time or a bit later once the parts are all in and production timing is confirmed with the factory (no hand assembly this time :roll: )


SpacedCowboy wrote:A couple of questions before I order both an Orduino and a Lava for my imminent Hadron :)

- Will the Orduino support the qu-bd dual extruder natively or will it require a firmware update ?
- What's the current pricing ? The last post I could find with figures in was April 15th, and I wasn't sure if you'd changed anything since then.

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Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Re: Announcing the ORDuino !

Postby tango282 » Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:44 am

any word on how the electronics are coming? I've been out of the loop since being assigned to the waldo canyon fire in colorado springs. Ahh here's to pirated wi fi on a 3 inch screen.
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Re: Announcing the ORDuino !

Postby aleith » Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:40 pm

I'm also curious about the ship date on the Orduino its over 2 months now that the order was placed. Is there a hard target for the ship date? It appears that Helen Wait is in charge of your fulfillment department Frob.
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Postby tango282 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:33 am

Re: prototype
Sent: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:38 pm
From: frob
To: tango282

Hi Scott,
No apologies necessary, in fact its the same for me, i've been pretty much living in a basement anechoic chamber in Belgium for the last 2 weeks...
So sorry for this late reply, i'm just catching up after getting back from that last minute emergency trip - still 241 emails to go - sigh...
My technician was supposed to ship it while i was away after testing was completed but sadly he blew up one of the motor driver ic's in the process.
I just replaced it (the last one we had to spare; he doesn't have the skills to rework such small/difficult packages yet) and it is being retested and firmware updated - if all goes well it will ship tomorrow or wednesday. i will advise you either way.

Warm regards

tango282 wrote:
hi frantz,

forgive the crude pm only access is phone for last 16 days.

may we please have an update on the protos? I would like to know if I need to buy another board to get up and running...saving yours for later. Thanks scott
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Your ORDuino is on its way!

Postby Stephen Wright » Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:26 pm

Got my shipping notice last night. Should get my ORDuino tomorrow. Thanks Frantz!
Stephen Wright
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Re: Announcing the ORDuino !

Postby orcinus » Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:41 am

No shipping notices here.
Good thing i've bought and soldered up a RAMPS board months ago so i'm not in a particular hurry.

I just hope Frantz didn't swap that anechoic chamber with a vacation in Mexico :twisted:
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