viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2396I will try another approach: I'm switching to bowden config, to be able to easily switch from laser engraving, vinyl cutting and 3D printing (I plan to create a buildlog soon, with all the modifications I made and the ones I plan to do).
The vinyl cutter will be mounted on a little IGUS rail, to be able to move it up/down very quickly. I plan to use servo output for that purpose. I already wrote a python script to convert HPGL output from inkcut inkscape plugin to gcode, using either Z axis or servo (M340 command).
I would like to try the same approach for the hot-end: mount it on a rail, which can be locked/unlocked (using a servo; I have a few ideas). The contact could then be put on the hot-end itself: release the lock, touch the bed -> contact! Lock again for printing.
Just an idea, needing some tests!