Letro 6515 to AWC608 migration advice

Electronics related to CNC

Letro 6515 to AWC608 migration advice

Postby Nickwit » Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:57 am

Hi everyone

The new board (AWC608) has arrived... am now trying to figure out what goes where.

The old board is set up thus:


The leetro wires are labeled:

laser power gnd (yellow in pic)
analog output (green in pic
laser power (not used)
laser on off (red in pic)

The connectors on the AWC are labelled

protect (water)

So.... how should these be connected? At a wild guess I'd say

laser power gnd = GND
analog output = 5V or PWN?
laser on off = TTL

Is that correct?


For the drivers, the Leetro says:

pulse (green in pic)
dir (blue in pic)
5v gnd (not used)
5v (red in pic)



which I'm guessing are:

pulse = PUL
dir = DIR
5v = 5V


It also looks as though the leetro is wired to simply bypass the limit switches. Do I need to do something similar with the AWC608?


Any other advice most appreciated.

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Re: Letro 6515 to AWC608 migration advice

Postby Techgraphix » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:40 am

Did you read this?
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Re: Letro 6515 to AWC608 migration advice

Postby Nickwit » Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:42 am

Aha - no I hadn't.

That's a help - thank you.

I'm still not sure how to translate the Leetro wiring to the laser itself though. ie: the Leetro laser-controller is labeled:

laser power gnd
analog output
laser power (not used)
laser on off

and I'm not sure what they correspond to on the AWC:

protect (water)

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Re: Letro 6515 to AWC608 migration advice

Postby Techgraphix » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:53 pm

This manual is more informative. Not from LightObject but contains much more detailed information.
Forget all about the Leetro and just rewire everything according to this manual: you can't go wrong!

AWC-608 User Manual SJ5.90.pdf
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Re: Letro 6515 to AWC608 migration advice

Postby Nickwit » Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:27 pm

Aha - yes, that manual is by far the best I've seen.

I managed to find someone to give a few pointers - and in the end, "forgetting about the Leetro" was indeed the way to go. It was the leetro labels that were causing the confusion... the ones on the laser-tube power-supply made a whole lot more sense, so:

(AWC : Power supply)


and that's it. The only weirdy I came across was that the X axis driver went Left when told go Right and vice-versa. This can be set in the LaserCAD software (options->system-options->Manufacturer Paramerters... changed 'Datum' and 'Key Direction' from positive to negative.

Turned out that the limit switches were not being bypassed, and were important. By some fluke I managed to get these right the first time... by
copying the leetro labels :

X axis Origin = ELX-
Y axis Origin = ELY-

In this instance, the Leetro labels being somewhat less cryptic than the AWC.

Thanks to everyone here, there and everywhere for your help. I will probably be back over some fine-tuning issue at some point, but from here, everything is almost working again - with far far better software, and without a dongle.

FWIW the price of the Dongle for the Leetro alone, was a similar price to the whole AWC608 board, controller and software. Dongles are a disaster waiting to happen. Avoid.
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