Electronics related to CNC


Postby trunner » Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:44 am

Hello, I recently purchased a AWC708C Lite controller for my K40, everything is working, jogging, manual laser fire, move to specified cordinates, everything... EXCEPT when I upload a simple square drawn in its own laser cad software. If I upload the file and click start, or box, or anything to do with demoing or cutting I get:
"The file data error"

Video1 :

I figured out that no preview was caused by not having both files on the USB key.
Video2 :

Please anyhelp
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Re: AWC708C

Postby Techgraphix » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:06 am

I can't see the settings.. there is more than just a box..
You don't need a stick at all.. when you connected the computer through USB or Ethernet, you can communicate directly with the controller..
Instead of saving the file to U-file, you can directly download it in the controller..
Then make your software read the lasers settings and see if all is as it should be (workspace, acceleration um/step etc etc)

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Re: AWC708C

Postby rsm5178 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:57 pm

What did you format your thumb drive to? I believe it has to be FAT 32?

Also as Techgraphix said, I just upload it to the controller (button under save to u disk).

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Re: AWC708C

Postby trunner » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:34 am

Its formatted Fat32

I have tried connecting to the laser using Network, USB, and USB stick, everything results in the same thing.

What configuration do you want me to show you. I am totally new to working with this laser. The issue is I have to have it up and running by Monday to work with a group of Kids. Though its looking more and more like that may not happen.

The first thing I did when the manufacturer sent me the files was update the firmware to:

and installed Lasercad 7.6

As for the square, I added some lines, because i thought it was compressing the image and making it hard to see the square, but it turns out that was not the case. you are seeing my attempt to make it more visible.

Thank you for your help. And sorry it took so long, I didn't get a notification anyone had replied. I have fixed my notification settings.
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Re: AWC708C

Postby Techgraphix » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:45 am

One thing that came up when I saw your square outside my plane:
Have you read the settings from the controller in LaserCad and are they actual?
Where is your homingpoint (I guess right-front when I see where the square is placed)
Where does your laserhead go after a reset?
When I saw your film, I thought it was left-upper corner..
In lasercad your drawingplane should also be 0,0 at top left corner..
Then you have to travel your laserhead to where you want the object to be cut.. In your case there is a blue dot on the right-top corner, so where you place the head will be the right-top corner of your work..
To enter this position as startpoint, press Origin on the display..
After a reset it will first move to the homingpoint and after it triggered both homingswitches it should move to this origin. from this originpoint your work will be cut..

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Re: AWC708C

Postby trunner » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:15 pm

Hello Kees, thanks for responding.

Sorry I should have been clearer, I have moved the orientation to all 9 points, and I have tried moving the box in to all 9 locations after setting the orientation in all 81 possible configurations. That wasn't the issue. Laser homes to the top left corner. and I have manually moved the head to all 4 corners by giving it coordinates.

More direct answers:
One thing that came up when I saw your square outside my plane:
Not totally sure what this means, but it is inside the boundary of my laser? my laser is a K40 frame.
Have you read the settings from the controller in LaserCad and are they actual?
If you mean go in to the lasercad software, System Options then things like manufacturer and user parameters? then yes.
Where is your homingpoint (I guess right-front when I see where the square is placed)
Top left is home, I like the spot closest to the laser to be home. but I have tried all 4 corners
Where does your laserhead go after a reset?
Top Left (closest to laser source)
When I saw your film, I thought it was left-upper corner..
It is.
In lasercad your drawingplane should also be 0,0 at top left corner..
When I tell lasercad to go to cords 0,0 it moves top left
Then you have to travel your laserhead to where you want the object to be cut.. In your case there is a blue dot on the right-top corner, so where you place the head will be the right-top corner of your work..
To enter this position as startpoint, press Origin on the display..
I tried that, just to make sure something like the axis being reversed wasn't the cause, I moved it to all possible start positions.
After a reset it will first move to the homingpoint and after it triggered both homingswitches it should move to this origin. from this originpoint your work will be cut..
Should mention, I don't have limit switches, only home in top left.
REALLY appreciate you taking the time to help.

Has anyone opened the file or is anyone able to send me a file to try? More than anything I want to see if it is possibly a corrupt firmware.

I am attaching pictures of mfg and user parameters just in case it helps.
Personal Parameters after pulling a read.
Manufacturer Parameters after pulling a read. (it asks for a password on save, if that indicates anything, its a password I did not ever set. the password is 608, even thought its a 708)
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Re: AWC708C

Postby Techgraphix » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:22 pm

If you don't have home(limit)switches your machine really doesn't know where it is.. Most likely your file is placed somewhere in space outside the boundary's of your machine..
First make a few limitsensors/switches in the top-left corner connect them to the controller (i think you need +Y and +X, but not 100% sure)
So your controller knows that top left is 0.0
In LaserCad your drawing-window should also be top left = 0.0 and the sizes of your drawing-window should be the same as your machine's..

This file should look the same on your display.. Notice the ruler > top left = 0.0
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Re: AWC708C

Postby trunner » Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:49 pm

Oh, what i was saying is I dont have limits, I DO have home switches. And it does a home routine every time it powers up.

When I tried your file, it gave the same error.
I tired uploading from the computer, from a USB stick direct and via the network.

"The file data error!" I tried it in all 4 corners, same issue. Grrr... WTF is going on with this thing.

I am going to try a factory reset and see.
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Re: AWC708C

Postby trunner » Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:17 am

Anyone want to guess my next stupid question? How does one DO a factory reset on the controller???

Oh, one more thing, I have tried running this software on 3 laptops now, and I have let the controller format the UDisk (usb stick) then loaded the files provided by Techgraphix. No Joy. Would anyone mind sending me there export of the config file from there controller? I am wondering if anthing got messed up.
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Re: AWC708C

Postby trunner » Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:32 am

If it helps, here is my configuration on the controller: ... sp=sharing
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