1 year ago I bought a K40 chinese laser machine. The only update I made is air assist head and now I would to upgrade all machine. After I modify working area to use all posible working area, like Ariel Yahani made with his machine [ulr]https://openbuilds.com/builds/uk40ob.3988/[/url], I would upgrade my moshidraw controller.
Searching information about controllers I found the ppi. I have been reading posts in this forum about it and read the
entry blog of dirktheeng. Por lo que he leido usar el laser en modo ppi hace que tengas una mejor calidad de corte, el tubo laser se calienta menos y le sacas el maximo partido a la potencia del laser.
After reading about advantage of using PPI I don't understand why is not widely used in DIY machines. Is it because there aren't a plug and play solution? Or is it because only expensive laser tube can use this method of cutting?