I figured this thread would never get any attention.

Thanks for the post!
Re the ATI kit- yeah in the long run it probably would have been cheaper if I had skipped the ATI kit and just built from scratch using the Inventables Makerslide and v-wheels, and got the laser cut parts on eBay. Purchasing the ATI kit was actually an impulse buy because until spotting it on their site while looking for a stepper motor, I had no idea OrdBots even existed! Once I saw how solid they looked vs my acrylic Prusa i3, I couldn't resist ordering one! I'm guessing the popularity of cheap Prusa i3s flooding the market has stolen some of the spotlight from OrdBots.
Dimensionally the ATI Makerslide was fine besides all being a little too short, but the soft mill finish was detrimental to the X axis once the wobbly V-wheel started wearing it away. A few thousandths of wear translated into enough movement at the nozzle to make my glass bed appear wavy. The Inventables anodized Makerslide is gorgeous and I'm fortunate to have access to a machine shop at work so the cuts were done perfectly on a mill. Besides looking nice, the anodized hardening should prevent that kind of wear in the future should another v-wheel decide to start wobbling.
Eventually everything turned out great and my OrdBot has been flawless since rebuilding with better quality materials. I cut the Z-axis Makerslide pieces 30mm longer then specified so I can easily print at least 200mm tall objects now which is a nice bonus.
I will certainly get some pictures of it to upload.