how many proximity sensors?

Electronics related to CNC

Re: how many proximity sensors?

Postby Techgraphix » Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:41 pm

Hi Shawn,
If you have 3 axis, you can use only 3 sensors for the homeposition. In your software you can define the hardware-limits, both positive and negative. Your home position is not the same as the hardware machine limit.
But if one of your axis is build with two separtely driven motors (Tandem-drive for your X or Y-axis) then you need 4 sensors.
For the price of 2-3$ you can always buy one more: Murphy's law says: if you need 3 and buy 3 than one is probably malfunctioning, but if you buy 4, they will be all ok..

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Re: how many proximity sensors?

Postby JenniferT » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:40 am

Proximity Sensors Compared: Inductive, Capacitive, Photoelectric, and Ultrasonic. Proximity sensors detect the presence or absence of objects using electromagnetic fields, light, and sound. There are many types, each suited to specific applications and environments.
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