Which Exhaust Blower?

Anything to do with air assist, vacuum tables, fume extraction and related...

Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby andrewblanejr » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:28 pm

Ok, so...In case anyone is looking for an exhaust fan or exhaust blower and having trouble finding something...i just realized that the correct search term is: dust collector (at least at harbor freight).

More importantly, i cant decide which "dust collector" to get. I plan to engrave a lot of acrylic, last time i did that it was very smelly. I'm going to put the exhaust through a window and have the blower live outside (with my air assist compressor) so that i can cut down on the noise. But which blower? The "13 Gallon Industrial Portable Dust Collector" (http://www.harborfreight.com/13-gallon- ... 31810.html) seems nice enough at 660cfm for $119, but for only $70 more i can get the "2 HP Industrial 5 Micron Dust Collector" (http://www.harborfreight.com/2-hp-indus ... 97869.html) which is rated at 1550 CFM and has a fancy "5 micron" collector bag.

Here is the question, would 1550 CFM create TOO MUCH air flow? would it make it difficult or impossible to cut paper / card-stock (would they just get sucked up?) ?

Also would something like this: http://www.harborfreight.com/4-inch-dus ... 97497.html be a viable air flow restrictor if there was too much exhaust flow?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Last edited by andrewblanejr on Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby BenJackson » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:32 pm

Just absolutely do not get this one: http://www.harborfreight.com/1-hp-mini- ... 94029.html

It's (measured) twice as loud as the first one you mention.

Do you mean "$70 more" or can you really get the 2hp for only $70 somehow? I got my 31810 for $90 using their Memorial Day sale (or was it 4th of July?). I have a bunch of 20% off coupons from fliers.

If you want less flow I'd add a calibrated leak somewhere between your laser and the DC.
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Re: Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby andrewblanejr » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:42 pm

yup, its $70 more, i just edited that typo.

thanks for advice, the leak is a good idea.
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Re: Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby dirktheeng » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:58 am

You don't necessarily need a blower like that. I made an exhaust system with a 6" axial fan. It only cost $20 and gives plenty of air flow as long as you dont' need to have a long run. Check out my build log "Constructing Janus". I recently posted some pics and a video of the system working. It is definately enough to prevent vapors from escaping. You will find that there is a lot of opinions about air flow. You will have to come up with a solution you are comfortable with as a balance between air flow, noise, and cost. I chose lower cost, noise, and flow. It is more than enough.
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Re: Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby mlconti » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:52 pm

Anyone thought to use this and use reducers to get it to 4"?

http://www.harborfreight.com/8-inch-por ... 97762.html


Thanks - Mike
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Re: Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby awesomenesser » Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:09 pm

Here is a post where exhaust fans were discussed previously link

I would recommend a inline duct fan like this: link (they have multiple sizes/brands available on ebay/amazon)
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Re: Which Exhaust Blower?

Postby fifacoin19 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:56 am

random access memory at this point you won't be able to look into other.
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